Bethlehem Central High School
Delmar NY

Class of '61 Photo Albums

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Tollgate 16.jpg Tollgate ThumbnailsTollgateTollgate ThumbnailsTollgateTollgate ThumbnailsTollgateTollgate ThumbnailsTollgateTollgate ThumbnailsTollgate

I was going through our file cabinet the other day
and found this copy of the Toll Gate menu. I remember
"The Bucket" was a buck when I was in high school. Boy,
that seems like a long time ago that I graduated from
BCHS (1961). It's actually a giant post card. The back states
"At the turn of the century, the old toll gate still stood astride
the Albany-Schoharie plank road just east of the present
TOLL GATE. Here, the toll gate keeper lived and collected
$.05 cents for each one-horse rig and $.10 for a team or a
load of hay passing through the building. The road leading
to the right is the present road to Delmar."
(From Barry Isbister, BCHS Class of '61)